Alexandros G .Sfakianakis,ENT,Anapafeos 5 Agios Nikolaos Crete 72100 Greece,00302841026182

Πέμπτη 17 Ιουνίου 2021

A Case Report and Review of Literature: Cribriform-Morular Variant of Papillary Carcinoma

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We describe a case of cribriform morular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma which is a rare subtype. We report a case of a 26 year old female who presented with a thyroid tumour without colonic manifestations. She underwent a total thyroidectomy with central compartment neck dissection. Her histopathology report showed Cribriform—Morular variant, Papillary carcinoma of the left lobe of thyroid. Focal Angio-invasion was present. Even in sporadic presentations of these variants, screening colonoscopy, genetic counselling and screening of family members should be invariably considered as many a time thyroid malignancy presents many years prior to colonic manifestations.

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