Characterization of rare NEIL1 variants found in East Asian populations Publication date: July 2019 Source: DNA Repair, Volume 79 Author(s): Irina G. Minko, Vladimir L. Vartanian, Naoto N. Tozaki, Oskar K. Linde, Pawel Jaruga, Sanem Hosbas Coskun, Erdem Coskun, Chunfeng Qu, Huan He, Chungui Xu, Taoyang Chen, Qianqian Song, Yuchen Jiao, Michael P. Stone, Martin Egli, Miral Dizdaroglu, Amanda K. McCullough, R. Stephen Lloyd AbstractThe combination of chronic dietary exposure to the fungal toxin, aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), and hepatitis B viral (HBV) infection is associated with an increased risk for early onset hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs). An in-depth knowledge of the mechanisms driving carcinogenesis is critical for the identification of genetic risk factors affecting the susceptibility of individuals who are HBV infected and AFB1 exposed. AFB1-induced mutagenesis is characterized by G to T transversions. Hence, the DNA repair pathways that function on AFB1-induced DNA adducts or base damage from HBV-induced inflammation are anticipated to have a strong role in limiting carcinogenesis. These pathways define the mutagenic burden in the target tissues and ultimately limit cellular progression to cancer. Murine data have demonstrated that NEIL1 in the DNA base excision repair pathway was significantly more important than nucleotide excision repair relative to elevated risk for induction of HCCs. These data suggest that deficiencies in NEIL1 could contribute to the initiation of HCCs in humans. To investigate this hypothesis, publicly-available data on variant alleles of NEIL1 were analyzed and compared with genome sequencing data from HCC tissues derived from individuals residing in Qidong County (China). Three variant alleles were identified and the corresponding A51V, P68H, and G245R enzymes were characterized for glycosylase activity on genomic DNA containing a spectrum of oxidatively-induced base damage and an oligodeoxynucleotide containing a site-specific AFB1-formamidopyrimidine guanine adduct. Although the efficiency of the P68H variant was modestly decreased, the A51V and G245R variants showed nearly wild-type activities. Consistent with biochemical findings, molecular modeling of these variants demonstrated only slight local structural alterations. However, A51V was highly temperature sensitive suggesting that its biological activity would be greatly reduced. Overall, these studies have direct human health relevance pertaining to genetic risk factors and biochemical pathways previously not recognized as germane to induction of HCCs. |
Regulation of GLI1 by cis DNA elements and epigenetic marks Publication date: July 2019 Source: DNA Repair, Volume 79 Author(s): Robert Taylor, Jun Long, Joon Won Yoon, Ronnie Childs, Kathrine B. Sylvestersen, Michael L. Nielsen, King-Fu Leong, Stephen Iannaccone, David O. Walterhouse, David J. Robbins, Philip Iannaccone AbstractGLI1 is one of three transcription factors (GLI1, GLI2 and GLI3) that mediate the Hedgehog signal transduction pathway and play important roles in normal development. GLI1 and GLI2 form a positive-feedback loop and function as human oncogenes. The mouse and human GLI1 genes have untranslated 5′ exons and large introns 5′ of the translational start. Here we show that Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) stimulates occupancy in the introns by H3K27ac, H3K4me3 and the histone reader protein BRD4. H3K27ac and H3K4me3 occupancy is not significantly changed by removing BRD4 from the human intron and transcription start site (TSS) region. We identified six GLI binding sites (GBS) in the first intron of the human GLI1 gene that are in regions of high sequence conservation among mammals. GLI1 and GLI2 bind all of the GBS in vitro. Elimination of GBS1 and 4 attenuates transcriptional activation by GLI1. Elimination of GBS1, 2, and 4 attenuates transcriptional activation by GLI2. Eliminating all sites essentially eliminates reporter gene activation. Further, GLI1 binds the histone variant H2A.Z. These results suggest that GLI1 and GLI2 can regulate GLI1 expression through protein-protein interactions involving complexes of transcription factors, histone variants, and reader proteins in the regulatory intron of the GLI1 gene. GLI1 acting in trans on the GLI1 intron provides a mechanism for GLI1 positive feedback and auto-regulation. Understanding the combinatorial protein landscape in this locus will be important to interrupting the GLI positive feedback loop and providing new therapeutic approaches to cancers associated with GLI1 overexpression. Graphical abstract![]() |
DNA-PKc deficiency drives pre-malignant transformation by reducing DNA repair capacity in concert with reprogramming the epigenome in human bronchial epithelial cells Publication date: July 2019 Source: DNA Repair, Volume 79 Author(s): Ivo Teneng, Maria A. Picchi, Shuguang Leng, Christopher P. Dagucon, Suresh Ramalingam, Carmen S. Tellez, Steven A. Belinsky AbstractThe expression of DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKc) is highly variable in smokers and reduced enzyme activity has been associated with risk for lung cancer. An in vitro model of lung pre-malignancy was used to evaluate the role of double-strand break DNA repair capacity in transformation of hTERT/CDK4 immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells (HBECs) and reprograming of the epigenome. Here we show that knockdown of DNA-PKc to levels simulating haploinsufficiency dramatically reduced DNA repair capacity following challenge with bleomycin and significantly increased transformation efficiency of HBEC lines exposed weekly for 12 weeks to this radiomimetic. Transformed HBEC lines with wild type or knockdown of DNA-PKc showed altered expression of more than 1,000 genes linked to major cell regulatory pathways involved in lung cancer. While lung cancer driver mutations were not detected in transformed clones, more than 300 genes that showed reduced expression associated with promoter methylation in transformed clones or predictive for methylation in malignant tumors were identified. These studies support reduced DNA repair capacity as a key factor in the initiation and clonal expansion of pre-neoplastic cells and double-strand break DNA damage as causal for epigenetic mediated silencing of many lung cancer-associated genes. The fact that DNA damage, repair, and epigenetic silencing of genes are causal for many other cancers that include colon and prostate extends the generalizability and impact of these findings. |
Transcriptional responses to DNA damage Publication date: July 2019 Source: DNA Repair, Volume 79 Author(s): Erica Silva, Trey Ideker AbstractIn response to the threat of DNA damage, cells exhibit a dramatic and multi-factorial response spanning from transcriptional changes to protein modifications, collectively known as the DNA damage response (DDR). Here, we review the literature surrounding the transcriptional response to DNA damage. We review differences in observed transcriptional responses as a function of cell cycle stage and emphasize the importance of experimental design in these transcriptional response studies. We additionally consider topics including structural challenges in the transcriptional response to DNA damage as well as the connection between transcription and protein abundance. |
Acetylation of Werner protein at K1127 and K1117 is important for nuclear trafficking and DNA repair Publication date: July 2019 Source: DNA Repair, Volume 79 Author(s): Deblina Ghosh, Vilhelm A. Bohr, Parimal Karmakar AbstractWerner syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder where Werner (WRN) gene is mutated. Being a nucleolar protein, during DNA damage, WRN translocates at the damage site where its catalytic function is required in DNA repair. Several studies have indicated that WRN acetylation may modulate WRN trafficking and catalytic function (Blander et al., 2002; Lozada et al., 2014). Among the six acetylation sites in WRN protein identified by mass-spectrometry analysis (Li et al., 2010) we here explore the role of acetylation sites in C-terminal of WRN (K1127, K1117, K1389, K1413) because the C- terminal domain is the hub for protein- protein interaction and DNA binding activity (Brosh et al. [4]; Muftuoglu et al., 2008; Huang et al., 2006). To explore their functional activity, we created mutations in these sites by changing the acetylation residue lysine (K) to a non-acetylation residue arginine (R) and expressed them in WRN mutant cell lines. We observed that K1127R and K1117R mutants are sensitive to the DNA damaging agents etoposide and mitomycin C and display deficient DNA repair. Importantly, deacetylation of WRN by SIRT1 (Mammalian Sir2) is necessary for restoration of WRN localization at nucleoli after completion of DNA repair. Among all putative acetylation sites, K1127R, K1117R and the double mutant K1127R/K1117R showed significantly delayed re-entry to the nucleolus after damage recovery, even when SIRT1 is overexpressed. These mutants showed partial interaction with SIRT1 compared to WT WRN. Thus, our results suggest that K1127 and K1117 are the major sites of acetylation, necessary for DNA repair. These results elucidate the mechanism by which SIRT1 regulates WRN trafficking via these acetylation sites during DNA damage. Graphical abstract![]() |
DNA repair in personalized brain cancer therapy with temozolomide and nitrosoureas Publication date: June 2019 Source: DNA Repair, Volume 78 Author(s): Bernd Kaina, Markus Christmann AbstractAlkylating agents have been used since the 60ties in brain cancer chemotherapy. Their target is the DNA and, although the DNA of normal and cancer cells is damaged unselectively, they exert tumor-specific killing effects because of downregulation of some DNA repair activities in cancer cells. Agents exhibiting methylating properties (temozolomide, procarbazine, dacarbazine, streptozotocine) induce at least 12 different DNA lesions. These are repaired by damage reversal mechanisms involving the alkyltransferase MGMT and the alkB homologous protein ALKBH2, and through base excision repair (BER). There is a strong correlation between the MGMT expression level and therapeutic response in high-grade malignant glioma, supporting the notion that O6-methylguanine and, for nitrosoureas, O6-chloroethylguanine are the most relevant toxic damages at therapeutically relevant doses. Since MGMT has a significant impact on the outcome of anti-cancer therapy, it is a predictive marker of the effectiveness of methylating anticancer drugs, and clinical trials are underway aimed at assessing the influence of MGMT inhibition on the therapeutic success. Other DNA repair factors involved in methylating drug resistance are mismatch repair, DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair by homologous recombination (HR) and DSB signaling. Base excision repair and ALKBH2 might also contribute to alkylating drug resistance and their downregulation may have an impact on drug sensitivity notably in cells expressing a high amount of MGMT and at high doses of temozolomide, but the importance in a therapeutic setting remains to be shown. MGMT is frequently downregulated in cancer cells (up to 40% in glioblastomas), which is due to CpG promoter methylation. Astrocytoma (grade III) are frequently mutated in isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1). These tumors show a surprisingly good therapeutic response. IDH1 mutation has an impact on ALKBH2 activity thus influencing DNA repair. A master switch between survival and death is p53, which often retains transactivation activity (wildtype) in malignant glioma. The role of p53 in regulating survival via DNA repair and the routes of death are discussed and conclusions as to cancer therapeutic options were drawn. |
The mismatch repair-dependent DNA damage response: Mechanisms and implications Publication date: June 2019 Source: DNA Repair, Volume 78 Author(s): Dipika Gupta, Christopher D. Heinen AbstractAn important role for the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway in maintaining genomic stability is embodied in its conservation through evolution and the link between loss of MMR function and tumorigenesis. The latter is evident as inheritance of mutations within the major MMR genes give rise to the cancer predisposition condition, Lynch syndrome. Nonetheless, how MMR loss contributes to tumorigenesis is not completely understood. In addition to preventing the accumulation of mutations, MMR also directs cellular responses, such as cell cycle checkpoint or apoptosis activation, to different forms of DNA damage. Understanding this MMR-dependent DNA damage response may provide insight into the full tumor suppressing capabilities of the MMR pathway. Here, we delve into the proposed mechanisms for the MMR-dependent response to DNA damaging agents. We discuss how these pre-clinical findings extend to the clinical treatment of cancers, emphasizing MMR status as a crucial variable in selection of chemotherapeutic regimens. Also, we discuss how loss of the MMR-dependent damage response could promote tumorigenesis via the establishment of a survival advantage to endogenous levels of stress in MMR-deficient cells. |
Role of Y-family translesion DNA polymerases in replication stress: Implications for new cancer therapeutic targets Publication date: June 2019 Source: DNA Repair, Volume 78 Author(s): Peter Tonzi, Tony T. Huang AbstractDNA replication stress, defined as the slowing or stalling of replication forks, is considered an emerging hallmark of cancer and a major contributor to genomic instability associated with tumorigenesis (Macheret and Halazonetis, 2015). Recent advances have been made in attempting to target DNA repair factors involved in alleviating replication stress to potentiate genotoxic treatments. Various inhibitors of ATR and Chk1, the two major kinases involved in the intra-S-phase checkpoint, are currently in Phase I and II clinical trials [2]. In addition, currently approved inhibitors of Poly-ADP Ribose Polymerase (PARP) show synthetic lethality in cells that lack double-strand break repair such as in BRCA1/2 deficient tumors [3]. These drugs have also been shown to exacerbate replication stress by creating a DNA-protein crosslink, termed PARP 'trapping', and this is now thought to contribute to the therapeutic efficacy. Translesion synthesis (TLS) is a mechanism whereby special repair DNA polymerases accommodate and tolerate various DNA lesions to allow for damage bypass and continuation of DNA replication (Yang and Gao, 2018). This class of proteins is best characterized by the Y-family, encompassing DNA polymerases (Pols) Kappa, Eta, Iota, and Rev1. While best studied for their ability to bypass physical lesions on the DNA, there is accumulating evidence for these proteins in coping with various natural replication fork barriers and alleviating replication stress. In this mini-review, we will highlight some of these recent advances, and discuss why targeting the TLS pathway may be a mechanism of enhancing cancer-associated replication stress. Exacerbation of replication stress can lead to increased genome instability, which can be toxic to cancer cells and represent a therapeutic vulnerability. |
Deciphering the interstrand crosslink DNA repair network expressed by Trypanosoma brucei Publication date: June 2019 Source: DNA Repair, Volume 78 Author(s): Ambika Dattani, Shane R. Wilkinson AbstractInterstrand crosslinks (ICLs) represent a highly toxic form of DNA damage that can block essential biological processes including DNA replication and transcription. To combat their deleterious effects all eukaryotes have developed cell cycle-dependent repair strategies that co-opt various factors from 'classical' DNA repair pathways to resolve such lesions. Here, we report the first systematic dissection of how ICL repair might operate in the Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of African trypanosomiasis, and demonstrated that this diverged eukaryote expresses systems that show some intriguing differences to those mechanisms present in other organisms. Following the identification of trypanosomal homologues encoding for CSB, EXO1, SNM1, MRE11, RAD51 and BRCA2, gene deletion coupled with phenotypic studies demonstrated that all the above factors contribute to this pathogen's ICL REPAIRtoire with their activities split across two epistatic groups. We postulate that one network, which encompasses TbCSB, TbEXO1 and TbSNM1, may operate throughout the cell cycle to repair ICLs encountered by transcriptional detection mechanisms while the other relies on homologous recombination enzymes (MRE11, RAD51 and BRCA2) that together help resolve lesions responsible for the stalling of DNA replication forks. This study not only sheds light on the conservation and divergence of ICL repair in one of only a handful of protists that can be studied genetically, but offers the promise of developing or exploiting ICL-causing agents as new anti-parasite therapies. |
Transcriptional landscape of DNA repair genes underpins a pan-cancer prognostic signature associated with cell cycle dysregulation and tumor hypoxia Publication date: June 2019 Source: DNA Repair, Volume 78 Author(s): Wai Hoong Chang, Alvina G. Lai AbstractOveractive DNA repair contributes to therapeutic resistance in cancer. However, pan-cancer comparative studies investigating the contribution of all DNA repair genes in cancer progression employing an integrated approach have remained limited. We performed a multi-cohort retrospective analysis to determine the prognostic significance of 138 DNA repair genes in 16 cancer types (n = 16,225). Cox proportional hazards analyses revealed a significant variation in the number of prognostic genes between cancers; 81 genes were prognostic in clear cell renal cell carcinoma while only two genes were prognostic in glioblastoma. We reasoned that genes that were commonly prognostic in highly correlated cancers revealed by Spearman's correlation analysis could be harnessed as a molecular signature for risk assessment. A 10-gene signature, uniting prognostic genes that were common in highly correlated cancers, was significantly associated with overall survival in patients with clear cell renal cell (P < 0.0001), papillary renal cell (P = 0.0007), liver (P = 0.002), lung (P = 0.028), pancreas (P = 0.00013) or endometrial (P = 0.00063) cancers. Receiver operating characteristic analyses revealed that a combined model of the 10-gene signature and tumor staging outperformed either classifier when considered alone. Multivariate Cox regression models incorporating additional clinicopathological features showed that the signature was an independent predictor of overall survival. Tumor hypoxia is associated with adverse outcomes. Consistent across all six cancers, patients with high 10-gene and high hypoxia scores had significantly higher mortality rates compared to those with low 10-gene and low hypoxia scores. Functional enrichment analyses revealed that high mortality rates in patients with high 10-gene scores were attributable to an overproliferation phenotype. Death risk in these patients was further exacerbated by concurrent mutations of a cell cycle checkpoint protein, TP53. The 10-gene signature identified tumors with heightened DNA repair ability. This information has the potential to radically change prognosis through the use of adjuvant DNA repair inhibitors with chemotherapeutic drugs. |
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